Sunday 2 November 2014


This marks the first blog post of my second ever blog in my entire life HAHAHA.

Writing is not really my kinda thing, but i guess i really do have a lot of spare time due to the fact that i'm on an exchange. I'm really forgetful too[OLD ALD ZZZ], so i thought blogging can help me save some memories which i wanna remember :P

Contemplated for quite sometime whether or not to start writing a blog again(the first was when i was 12 or something HAHAHA where i practically used my then blog to rant hahahaha.) I do use Facebook[exchange too free already-_-] and Instagram, but i'm kinda a private person[ i usually only share my thoughts and feelings with my v close friends]. DILEMMA LOL, So hmmmmm, I shall use this blog to write on my travel experience so blog can remember them and + give some help to my family and friends if they are going to visit the places i've already visit:) <IM NICE LOL>

LIFE ON EXCHANGE: V. V FREE HAHAHA. In Singapore already not v busy, here i free until i'll use Facebook[inactive since i created]. Super thankful to have good friends here/ new friends which i can hang out with and spend time together. TG :) 2 MORE MONTHS AND 8 DAYS YAYE

Places i've visited so far in TW: KaoShiung, Taipei, Xiao Liu Qiu, Tainan, Pingtung( Kenting, LaiYi Village, climb half a mountain called Li4 Ding3 Shan1)